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Palestinian university students tell Chinese stories through course presentation


On June 3rd, 2020, 15 students from Al-Quds University in Palestine took part in a special "Chinese Culture" course test.

The test was conducted in an online "thesis defense" mode, in which students used PPT to present their understanding and views on topics such as China's WeChat, the sharing economy, takeaway food, travel, "Belt and Road" initiative, and answered the teacher's questions.

Chinese teacher Zhang Mengqian said that since the students had been preparing for the test in the past three weeks, the presentation was a great success. What is most satisfying to her is that 85% of the students chose difficult topics such as "Belt and Road" initiative and made a number of refreshing points. She gained a sense of success in that many students who once knew very little about China were able to tell the "Chinese story" after the course.

In the course of the presentation, the students also expressed their pride in the friendly exchanges between China and the Arab world on the ancient Silk Road and their willingness to carry forward and promote Sino-Arab relations by learning Chinese language and culture.